The BEST desserts are made with butter and love!-Throw Back Thursday
May 21, 2015
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, therapy for a bad day, for a good day, for any day!
Did you know that STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS? Coincidence? I think not! Do you ever have a bad day where things just get worser and worser and you want to crawl under your covers and hide or even run away to escape it all? I know I have. It’s hard to scrape your wounded soul from the depths of despair sometimes but if any of you have a mother like mine, sometimes that gentle nudge to get up and carry on comes in the form of sweet baked treats fresh from mama’s kitchen. That sweet spice that fills the air somehow dulls the pains and lifts you off your tear stained pillow. When mom opens your door and invites you to share a warm, sweet dessert in the kitchen, you can’t help but feel a little better. When you are served that glass of ice cold milk and a plate of tasty goodness, the tears stop and you can almost find your voice again. Next you share a few moments in silence while you fill your mouth with warm heaven and your mother pats your back gently and you’re finally able to talk about your troubles. That is the moment you know that somehow you’ll get through the bad day.
You may have heard the quote, “I’ve never met a problem a proper dessert couldn’t fix”, and I believe there is a lot of truth to that. Nothing feels better than when you are welcomed home by a deliciously cooked meal or the smell of cookies or bread baking in the oven. While the smells intoxicate your taste buds and you can’t wait to bite into whatever’s cooking, it’s more about the hands that have prepared the food. Whether it’s your mother, father, spouse, or friend that cooked it, the food was prepared from the heart with kindness and love. There’s also the times when we fall and scrape our knee or come home crying because someone was mean to us at school, or when we try our best at something, that we are sometimes treated with a hug or a smile and a special outing for an ice cream cone, a lollipop, or a cookie. That, my friends, is why a dessert can be so therapeutic.
My mother is not the greatest cook in the world, but there are a few things she makes REALLY well and her cinnamon rolls is one of them. Here’s a recipe that is very similar to hers but has been improved upon slightly by myself via trial and error.
Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls
ok, ok, I know there are raisins in this but I have to be honest, I love my cinnamon rolls with raisins. But, don’t worry, that is optional!
- 1 Cup warm milk
- 2 eggs, room temp.
- 1/3 Cup butter, melted
- 4 ½ Cups all-purpose flour
- 1 Tsp. salt
- 1 package yeast (2 ¼ Tsp.)
- 1 Cup brown sugar, packed
- 2 ½ Tbs. ground cinnamon
- ¼ Cup butter, softened
- Raisins (as much or as little as you want, optional)
Spread for Dough
- 1/3 Cup butter, softened
- 3 Ounces cream cheese
- ¼ Cup butter
- 1 ½ – 2 Cups confectioner’s sugar
- 1 Tsp. pure vanilla extract
1st Set of Steps for Dough
Dissolve yeast in small bowl with milk. Let proof.
In large bowl combine sugar, butter, salt, eggs, and yeast
mixture. Mix well. Add in flour and knead dough for 5
minutes until dough is soft and form in ball shape.
Place dough in greased bowl and let rise in warm area
covered with towel until doubled in size (about 1 hr.).
2nd Set of Steps for Filling
Combine sugar, cinnamon and butter in small bowl
and set aside.
3rd Set of Steps for Rolling Dough and Baking
When dough has risen, roll out on floured surface in
rectangle shape and about 1/4 inch thick. Spread butter
on dough, then sprinkle with filling mixture. Roll into
log shape. Cut into equal portions (I use dental floss,
it works great!). Place on lightly greased pan, cover with
towel and let rise for 30 minutes. For bigger rolls, this
recipe makes about 12 on a 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees F.
for 18-20 minutes.
4th Set of Steps for Icing
Combine cream cheese, butter, powder sugar and vanilla in
tall mixing bowl. Mix on high until smooth and creamy in
texture. *You may add a few teaspoons of milk or water if
too thick. Once rolls have cooled slightly, spread icing
over rolls and enjoy!! Best if served warm!
My little angels thoroughly enjoying the cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. They had so much fun helping me make these! If the idea of eating hot cinnamon rolls sounds just perfect, try your hand at making these in your own kitchen. Leave a comment or send me a pic and I’ll add it to this blog. Happy eating!
Till next time
~ Linda Louise
This entry was posted in Recipes.
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