Colleen Houck

“I took hold of that scourge -filled ship and crushed it between my limbs, hurtling it into the second sun, the red one that gave me strength. But I was too late." Terraformer

Colleen's blog

  • Modern Ink Society

    March 20, 2017


    Jennifer A. Nielsen

    The Genesis of Inspiration

    Welcome to the thirtieth session of



    “Do one thing every day that scares you.”

                                                                       — Eleanor Roosevelt

    Introducing Jennifer

    Bio: New York Times Bestselling author, Jennifer Nielsen, was born and raised in northern Utah, where she still lives today with her husband, three children, and a dog that won’t play fetch. She is the author of The Ascendance trilogy, beginning with THE FALSE PRINCE; the MARK OF THE THIEF series, and the forthcoming A NIGHT DIVIDED. She loves chocolate, old books, and lazy days in the mountains.

    Jennifer’s Featured Book



    Here’s a little teaser

    As a lethal plague sweeps through the land, Ani Mells is shocked when she is unexpectedly captured by the governor’s wardens and forced to submit to a test for the deadly Scourge. She is even more surprised when the test results come back positive, and she is sent to Attic Island, a former prison turned refuge — and quarantine colony — for the ill. The Scourge’s victims, Ani now among them, can only expect to live out short, painful lives there. However, Ani quickly discovers that she doesn’t know the whole truth about the Scourge or the Colony. She’s been caught in a devious plot, and, with the help of her best friend, Weevil, Ani means to uncover just what is actually going on.  But will she and Weevil survive long enough to do so? “

    The Scourge” is an explosively thrilling tale of adventure and intrigue, courage and heart from “New York Times” bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen.

     The Genesis of Inspiration
    The most common question most writers get is, “Where do you get your ideas?” Although that seems rather basic, it’s always been a hard one for me to answer because my first thought is, “Where don’t I get them?”
    The author Orson Scott Card once said, “Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don’t see any.”
    Personally, I won’t claim to find fix or six ideas every day, but I absolutely believe Card is correct. And I have a theory as to how any writer—or non-writer—can begin to work their way toward daily inspirations for stories.
    It’s called, “What If?”
    “What if” is a game I used to play with my son when we’d be in a public place and he was bored. I might look around the food court at the mall and say, “Someone here is trying to hide their superpowers. Who is it?” He’d look around and finally identify someone nonchalantly eating their ice cream. “Him!” “Oh yes, I can see it now. But their arch nemesis is here too. Where are they?” He finds a woman waiting impatiently in line. “Her!” “What if they bump into each other? What will happen next?” And the story begins…
    Most of my story inspirations begin in similarly humble ways. Lyrics in a song, a story from history, a useless fun fact that catches my attention. An offhand comment in a podcast. This was the genesis for THE SCOURGE. The podcaster was discussing the history of Leprosy (always a fun beginning for any children’s book, no?) and how in the twentieth century, we knew what it was and how to cure it.
    Yet it was still legal in many parts of the world to pull a leprosy victim from their home and send them to a leper colony even though we could cure it. There are still people living in some colonies today, cured of their conditions for decades yet they have nowhere to return to.
    The injustice of that floored me and I began playing “What If” with that piece of history. What if fear becomes the driving force of a country’s policy? What if the leader of a country is willing to use that fear to control the population? What is the price of segregating a population into groups between the acceptable and non-acceptable people? The answers to those questions became THE SCOURGE.
    For writers who are seeking their next idea, or how to flesh out the idea they have, I suggest they play the same game. Do you see a mother pushing a stroller down the street? What if you change the time of day from 3 pm to exactly midnight? What if you remove one character? Mom. What if you walk into the scene to help the baby and at the end of the street, the lights flicker, and a cloaked figure appears, its eyes on you?
    Do you hear a politician saying something that is damaging to their career? What if they are being blackmailed? By whom? Do you see an unusual weather condition? What if the cause isn’t natural? What else could it be?
    Simple questions like these become the genesis of inspiration. They are the reason why some people find new story prompts every single day where others find none at all. Finding ideas begins with developing the habit of seeing something ordinary and then asking questions. Come up with the most interesting answers you can, and suddenly, the story begins.
    Look around you now. What if…

    If you’d like to chat with Jennifer and Colleen, there is a Goodreads chat going on through the month of March! Join the book club chat for a chance to win FREE BOOKS!


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    Author Bio

    I’m Linda Louise, one of the bloggers on this website and Colleen’s little sister. I’m just a girl in her mid-thirties who feels thirteen when I play outside with my boys, fifteen when I sing my heart out listening to tunes while driving by myself, and sixty five when I go out past ten at night. I have a thing for junior mints, Mt. Dew, shrimp and kale (though not all at once) and I have a crush on Superman. I still get girlish butterflies when I read Twilight, cry when I read These is My Words, and smile from ear to ear when I read Anne of Green Gables. I have nightmares about aliens on a regular basis and I have a bad habit of midnight snacking. I love everything sports, except golf (although can that honestly be considered a sport??), and I hate anything that slithers, hisses, or stings. I have a problem with giggling at inappropriate moments and I sometimes wish life was a musical. I love science, hate math, love Dr. Seuss, and hate olives. My family is my world and my joys come from their happiness. I’ve learned I don’t know much about anything and I live for a good adventure, naps, cuddles, stories, exceptional food and The Shire.

  • Top Ten Ways to get Luck on your Side

    March 14, 2017


    Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Today is one of those holidays where you see shamrocks and pots of gold, little leprechauns and people dressed in green for a spot o’ good luck. You may also hear or have heard at some point in time, the old adage, “the luck o’ the Irish”.

    It comes as no surprise that Irish history is riddled with superstitious beliefs involving cats and mirrors and ghosts, so why not have a special day where a bunch of luck shines down on those sporting their clovers of green with rainbows and pots of gold?

    While it’s fun to celebrate with clovers, rainbows and gold foiled chocolates, there’s not a whole lot of “luck” that comes from wearing green. At least, not in my experience.

    So I thought why not share the things that have created “luck” in my own life. I’ve written ten behaviors (in no particular order) that I know have set the motion for success in life’s pursuits.


    Have a vision. In the book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey talks about always beginning with the end in mind. This way of thinking creates both purpose and focus for any goal you may have. He also says there are two creations for building success There is the mental creation where you envision, plan, organize and design and then there is the physical creation where you act on that vision. This is true with everything if you think about it. If you don’t see yourself going their first, you won’t get there at all.


    Positive mental awareness. Some people are naturally optimistic and happy like the fictional troll character Poppy. There are also those who are more pessimistic and let’s face it, sometimes downright negative or even grumpy. Thankfully, this is a trait you can work on and eventually perfect. It may take time but its possible. Have you ever heard the saying, “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”? The mind is a powerful thing. You can’t physically go where your mind doesn’t go first. If you have a negative attitude, you won’t enjoy the process either and in that case, what’s the point of going there at all. While life may not always be “cupcakes and rainbows”, why not keep the hope that in time, your seeds of effort will eventually grow and blossom?



    Get comfortable with getting uncomfortable. Change for the better, whether we like it or not, almost always happens outside of our comfort zone. Our greatest strides in life are from the hardships we face. That’s nature. We just have to decide that it’s ok to be comfortable because on the other side of it, is that thing we are fighting for, that thing we hope and yearn for.



    Take advantage of opportunities. Sometimes the only difference between an “unlucky” and a “lucky” person is simply seizing the moment when it presents itself. First, we have to be looking for those windows of opportunity. Second, we have to be ready and willing to jump on it when the timing is right.

    If we are too busy complaining about our lot in life, or our focus is too narrow, those opportunities can quickly slip between our fingers.


    Go for it! This one is probably my biggest struggle. I get cold feet when it comes to taking that big leap of faith. It’s easy to say “I’ll do it someday” or “maybe next time” but all too often we keep those dreams somewhere safe…. in our dreams. If we want it, we’ve got to get up and grab it. We can’t wait for permission or for conditions to be perfect because they rarely are. Sometimes life has a way of pushing us in certain directions and that can both enable us to take that first step or it can hinder us. Either way, JUST GO FOR IT!


    Get to work and stay at it. Ok, so you’ve taken that giant leap of faith and you have a vision. You’re positive mental attitude is going strong and you’re plugging away at your dream. Time tick-tocks and you start to lose momentum. This is where you need to remember why you started in the first place and let that be your driving force to keep at it.

    Hard work and endurance takes discipline and focus. If you take a break from your project, don’t let it get dusty and left forgotten. Keep at it even if it’s just a few minutes each day.


    Do it from the heart. If there’s one thing you must never lose, it’s heart. If your head gets too busy with the details and ideas, sometimes you can get lost in it and that’s a potentially dangerous place to be. There may be times when pivotal choices need to be made. This is when your heart must lead the way. It’s important not to rush through those big decisions. Learn to listen to how you feel and don’t over think it. Do what feels right and you can’t go wrong.


    Roll with the punches. With all the curve balls life throws our way, it is imperative that we are flexible and learn to work through the problems and compromise when necessary. Stubbornness can be a wonderful trait but it can also keep us from having luck on our side. It can even destroy our chance of success if we aren’t flexible. But remember, be stubborn with your goals but flexible in the methods of getting there.


    Pause and reflect. All too often we become micro focused and lose perspective of what’s most important. I find that this happens very quickly for me. We live in an especially fast paced world that demands more of our time than we physically possess. So how can we combat this? Something I do is have regularly scheduled reflection time every Sunday. This is the day I use to step away from my work week to re-center, re-focus, and restore. This is where we can put ourselves back on track if we’ve drifted off course. This is the time we can refuel if we are weary. This is the time we can gain inspiration or new insights as we look at things with fresh perspective. I highly recommend setting aside one day a week, even if it’s for just a half a day to realign our goals. Then we can feel confidant and start re-energized for the upcoming week.


    Creating a Zen-like environment.  Have you ever found it hard to get inspired, motivated, or positive when you’re in a toxic or less than perfect environment? If you are surrounded by clutter, distractions, certain smells, and certain sounds (or even certain people),  they can detract from your attitude and success. Do you sometimes get irritated easier in certain places more than others?  Have you ever considered why? Do you find inspiration, motivation, or positive mental thinking when you are in certain environments? Is there a way you could incorporate some of that environment into places you typically work/live? Having a place that is clean, pleasant in color, textures, and aroma can make a big difference in your demeanor. Specific sounds can calm, energize, or even anger a person. Try to incorporate changes in your environment that help you feel the right energies you are looking for. See what changes you observe.

    And there you have it, my top ten behaviors that help me feel “lucky”. Try these out and let me know what you observe. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



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    Author Bio

    I’m Linda Louise, one of the bloggers on this website and Colleen’s little sister. I’m just a girl in her mid-thirties who feels thirteen when I play outside with my boys, fifteen when I sing my heart out listening to tunes while driving by myself, and sixty five when I go out past ten at night. I have a thing for junior mints, Mt. Dew, shrimp and kale (though not all at once) and I have a crush on Superman. I still get girlish butterflies when I read Twilight, cry when I read These is My Words, and smile from ear to ear when I read Anne of Green Gables. I have nightmares about aliens on a regular basis and I have a bad habit of midnight snacking. I love everything sports, except golf (although can that honestly be considered a sport??), and I hate anything that slithers, hisses, or stings. I have a problem with giggling at inappropriate moments and I sometimes wish life was a musical. I love science, hate math, love Dr. Seuss, and hate olives. My family is my world and my joys come from their happiness. I’ve learned I don’t know much about anything and I live for a good adventure, naps, cuddles, stories, exceptional food and The Shire.

  • Snakes in mythology

    March 14, 2017

    Snakes have been in religion, mythology, and history since time began.

    Image result for medusa mythology



    Adam and Eve is the first story we know Image result for adam and eve snakeof where a snake is present in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3 we read about how Eve was tempted by the serpent who felt that the forbidden tree wouldn’t kill Eve but would open her eyes and be as a god knowing good and evil.  After partaking of the succulent fruit her eyes did indeed open and she then encouraged Adam to also partake of the fruit.  Soon thereafter they discovered they were naked and got busy creating some clothing out of fig leaves.  The serpent in this bible story represented Satan and his desire to thwart God’s plan.

    Later in Moses‘s story in Exodus 4:2 God turned Moses’s staff into a snake and back.  Later when Moses and Aaron appeared before the pharaoh Aaron’s staff turned into a snake, the Pharaoh’s sorcerers countered by casting down their own rods and  similarly turned them into snakes.  Aaron’s snake then proceeded to swallow the sorcerer’s snakes/rod.



    Image result for Caduceus with hermesCaduceus or the magic wand of the Greek god Hermes, messenger of the gods, inventor, conductor of dead and protector of merchants and thieves.  In the 17 century A.D. Hermes became linked with alchemy.  Since the caduceus was the magic staff of Hermes and alchemy it soon became known as the staff of medical profession which was a case of mistaken identity since it actually stood for commerce. 



    Image result for Staff of Asclepius with asclepiusThe Staff of Asclepius is the actual symbol of healing. It is a serpent entwined rod held by the Greek god Asclepius associated with healing and medicine. Since the staff look so similar many mistake them as the same.



    Image result for medusa mythologyMedusa was a monster in Greek mythology. She is one of the Gorgon sisters and the only mortal daughter of Phorkys and Keto. Once a beauty with golden hair and fair skin served as a priestess of Athena she was devoted to a life of celibacy but she fell for Poseidon and married him. Athena punished Mudusa by turning each golden lock of hair into a venomous snake, her eyes turn in blood shot orbs, and her creamy skin turned a greenish tinge.  Knowing she was repulsive she fled to Africa where she wandered dropping young snakes from her head which is how Africa became a hotbed of venomous reptiles.  She turned whomever she gazed upon into stone.  Deliverance came to her as death, by the hands of Perseus.



    Image result for snakes in harry potterSnakes in movies are a commonplace.  Who can forget the Harry Potter films where snakes are a common theme.  It started in the first film when Harry talks to and mistakenly releases the friendly snake from the zoo. Then we meet the huge Basilisk that haunted the halls of Hogwarts. Later we find out their is a snake language called Parseltongue, which is a rare ability, where humans can talk to snakes.  Finally we meet Nagini who is Voldemort’s pet snake who was actually a horcrux.


    Snakes are everywhere.  Remember Kaa from the Jungle Book?

    New 2016 The Jungle Book…creepy



    Image result for 2 snakes circleOuroborus is an ancient Greek symbol depicting a serpent or even a dragon eating it’s own tail.  Originated in Egyptian iconography but Ancient Greeks adopted the symbol. It symbolizes introspection, eternal return, or constantly  re-creating yourself. Of course it also symbolizes the infinite cycle of nature of creation and destruction or life and death. 


    The first known appearance is in the Book of the Netherworld which is an ancient Egyptian Funerary text in the tomb of Tutankhamen in 14th century B.C.


    In Norse mythology the ouroboros is the serpent “Jörmungandr, one of the three children of Loki and Angrboda, which grew so large that it could encircle the world and grasp its tail in its teeth.”



    In India the ouroboros is used to describe Kundalini energy. “Different spiritual traditions teach methods of “awakening” kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment.[1] Kundalini is described as lying “coiled” at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened.”


    Any way you look at it snakes are interesting, creepy, have a slithering stronghold through history.














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    Author Bio
    Shara Lane

    I'm Shara, a wife, mother, bargain shopper, and I love to critique everything from food to mascara. I'm a sister of Colleen who lives in the desert of Arizona. My favorite time of day is when I pretend my kids are asleep upstairs, and I can catch up on my favorite shows with my handsome husband. Once Upon a Time, Dr. Who, Mythbusters (husband's choice), Big Bang Theory, Sherlock, and Castle. I turned 40 but feel around 30ish, and wonder where the time has gone. I love new clothes, new make-up, new food, and anything new to try out and critique. It's not mean, I promise, I just really like to figure out how to make things better :-)