Colleen Houck

“I took hold of that scourge -filled ship and crushed it between my limbs, hurtling it into the second sun, the red one that gave me strength. But I was too late." Terraformer

Colleen's blog

  • My Top Ten 2017 New Year’s Resolutions

    January 3, 2017

    Good morning and HELLO 2017 and hello to all of you reading this blog!

    Each and every January comes with it a sense of new beginnings, second chances, self reflection and fresh opportunities to make those changes for the better and to finally tackle that bucket list.

    It seems that all too often, however, that I pile up mounds of New Year’s resolutions only to see that big pile of “yes I cans” come tumbling down in the following weeks. So this year, I decided to not overwhelm myself with trying to tackle everything all at once and instead pick a few big goals and a few smaller goals.

    One of the keys to successfully reach those goals is to have accountability. So, by letting someone know what those goals are (or better yet, have them do it with you), the higher the probability of success.

    Another keys is to not just say you will do something but to make a plan. Get organized with the end result in mind and prepare every needful thing to make success within reach. They say a dream written down with a date becomes a goal, a goal broken down into steps becomes a plan, a plan backed by action makes your dreams comes true!

    It is always important to be realistic when setting goals. Don’t set too high a standard only to be disappointed and de-motivated as a result.

    Decide before you begin that you will be committed. Our intentions are almost always perfect but the execution falls short of those lofty goals. Why? Because we lack pure will and determination. We allow excuses to speak louder than our will in a moment of weakness and that’s when we start to slip.

    Now that I’ve shared some ways to set us up on the path to success, I thought I’d take the fist step of being accountable and share what my New Years resolutions are with you! Here we go,

    Colleen Houck’s New Years Resolutions

    Resolution #1: Drop ten pounds

    I plan to accomplish this by eating clean and exercise more. My sister gave me an exercise DVD collection so I won’t get bored with doing the same workouts all the time. 🙂

    Resolution #2: Read 125 books

    In 2016, I made the goal to read 100 books and I surpassed that and read 126, check here for my list! So, for 2017, I figured I’d step up my goal to 125! Some of my to be read books are on my Goodreads and have also been included on my other blog post, Top book picks for 2017.

    Resolution #3: Plan a getaway with my husband

    I’ve wanted to go somewhere replenishing to both mind and body and the first things that come to mind are a house on the beach or a cozy cabin tucked into the woods. While I’m not sure which place yet, it’s on my to do list this year!

    Resolution #4: Try something new (like a ride in a small airplane)

    I think it’s important to broaden one’s horizons and what better way then to try new and exciting things. I’ve wanted to go zip lining, go on a cruise, and go horseback riding so this year I’d like to pick one of those bucket items and do it. They say that if you just say “I’m gonna/wanna do that this year” it usually doesn’t happen unless you register/pay/plan it ahead of time. So, I guess that’s what I’m going to have to do!

    Resolution #5: Downsize and organize my home

    It’s about time I purge all of the unnecessary clutter that’s been accumulating my garage and closets. I’m happy to say I’ve already started working on this one and it feels good to get organized.

    Resolution #6: Make and stick to a budget

    Making a budget has never been the hard part, it’s keeping to one that gets me every time. I’m very much an impulse buyer so this will possibly be one of my biggest challenges for the New Year.

    Resolution #7: Organize my files

    This is just one of those things I need to get done, so on this list it is. 🙂

    Resolution #8: Try a new hair cut

    I tend to color coordinate my hair with my latest book just for fun and to spice things up. So right now I have a few red highlights that match the Reignited book cover. With my up and coming Reunited book coming out, pink might be a part of my new hair color (or maybe just a hair clip. . .hmmm).

    Resolution #9: Go somewhere I’ve never been

    I’ve always wanted to visit China, France, India and Egypt. While these are among my top choices, the opportunity might not be there in 2017 but it is my goal to travel somewhere new, even if it’s still in North America.

    Resolution #10: Attend the state fair

    I’ve always loved attending the state fair and it would be fun to take my mom who hasn’t been in quite some time. One of my favorite things is all of the shopping. The booths line the street showcasing all sorts of homemade products including soaps, jams, chocolates, quilts, and more. There are all kinds of fun contests for best this or best that and I love the ambiance the street fair brings.

    Linda Louise’s New Years Resolutions


    Resolution #1: Cleaner, Healthier, and leaner!

    As a health and fitness instructor, it’s important to lead by example but when life gets busy and when I get lazy, my standards of healthy living slip. As part of the New Year I have committed to start the year off strong with a 3 day cleanse and 12 week clean eating challenge while also adding natural testosterone boosters to my diet.

    I shared my plans with family and friends (and now you) and even have a group who are joining me on this challenge. So, now I’m accountable! I’ve made a plan and have recipes printed, groceries bought and ready to prepare.

    Today is my day one of the cleanse and if any of you would like to join me, click here for the three day cleanse I’m doing (disclaimer: this cleanse is based off my personal research and I am not a licensed dietician or a doctor).

    Resolution #2: Read books that will help me grow as a person.

    I have a few that I have had on my to be read list for a while and it’s about time I start getting to them. Some of these books include the scriptures daily, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Peace giver, and others. I love reading for pleasure but it’s important to learn and mix in some self-help type books and non-fiction.

    Resolution #3: Be a better mother to my three children.

    This one is vague so I made a few specific plans to support this endeavor. First, to spend 5 minutes of undivided attention to each child at some point before the days end. This can be anything from reading a book, going for a walk and talk, playing tag, etc. If I set it small, like 5 minutes then it doesn’t feel impossible even on the busiest of days and if I get started then the 5 minutes could easily be increased. Another plan is to have devotionals where we read or watch or discuss a value that we can try to work on for that day. Over the Christmas season we followed the 25 days of #Lighttheworld challenge and it made such a positive impact in my life and hopefully my children’s lives that I want to continue that challenge through 2017.

    Resolution #4: Be a better wife to my husband.

    With work commitments and his new responsibilities, I want to be more helpful and supportive as his stress levels may increase. Some of my ideas include having meals prepared. This is one of those things that many wives may already do in their home but my husband and I have kind of shared this responsibility in our years of marriage. I think we’d both agree he’s the better cook but if he’s away more, I’m sure he would appreciate healthy meals to enjoy. Another idea is to express love in his love language. This can be hard when I get tired and become more selfish with my needs by the days end but I need to remember that he is feeling the same way when he gets home.

    Resolution #5: Paint the remaining rooms of our home.

    This boils down to money and time. So for this resolution and the others below, my hubby and I have made a list, will prioritize them in order of importance and budget them for the year. This brings me to resolution #6-9.

    Resolution #6: Re-do pantry shelves in kitchen.

    Here at AquaLib you can get some ideas for your home renovation.

    Resolution #7: Put in a new kitchen sink.

    Resolution #8:  Learn how to re-stain wood furniture.

    I have many furniture pieces I’d like to re-stain so this is a big to do item for me.

    Resolution #9: Potty train my two year old.

    I’m not rushing this one but I know it’s gonna have to happen this year so I’m officially putting it on my to do list.

    Resolution #10: Be more kind, defend others.

    This is one I’ve been working on over the last few months. Where I work, people can get chatty and gossip about others. I find it’s hard to not get sucked into the discussion so I’ve been working hard to not contribute. Now that I’ve gotten a little better at this, my next step is to not only refrain from adding comments but to defend those in need of defending rather than remaining silent.

    There ya have it, my 10 New Years Resolutions! Hey, you can take the first step of being accountable by sharing some of your resolutions in the comments section below. Once it’s out there, you’ve decided!

    May all of you have a happy and successful 2017!

    This entry was posted in Beauty, Top Ten Lists.

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    Author Bio
    Colleen Houck

    New York Times Bestselling author Colleen Houck is a lifelong reader whose literary interests include action, adventure, paranormal, science fiction, and romance. When she's not busy writing, she likes to spend time chatting on the phone with one of her six siblings, watching plays, and shopping online. Colleen has lived in Arizona, Idaho, Utah, California, and North Carolina and is now permanently settled in Salem, Oregon with her husband and a huge assortment of plush tigers.

  • Healthy living, here’s to you!

    January 3, 2017

    Today is the first step towards the new, healthier, stronger, and happier you! Especially if you are aiming for a massive transformation, you need atleast glute workouts for mass to build up your muscles. The hardest step is quite often deciding and committing to taking that first step but fortunately there are a lot of web-based weight loss programs that can help you. So, congrats!

    It is vital to include a healthy diet. For healthy and nutritious diet regimen glanced on Helath Blog now. One of the most successful ways to improve your health is to feed it wholesome and healthy foods. In order to prime your body for receiving those nutrients it is important to cleanse and rid your body of toxins (not everyone should/can cleanse so be sure to check with your doctor before doing). Toy enthusiast Jason May of MyProScooter reported that “people around the world are starting to really take control of their fitness and optimize everything from their sleep to their diet.” They recently made a letsfit review, a fitness tracker, that proves to be very useful for those who are health conscious.

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    How does a detox cleanse work?

    Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. However, when these systems are compromised, impurities aren’t properly filtered and the body is adversely affected. A detox program can help the body’s natural cleansing process by:

    1. Resting the organs through fasting.
    2. Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body.
    3. Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin.
    4. Improving circulation of the blood.
    5. Refueling the body with healthy nutrients.

    Detoxification works because it addresses the needs of individual cells, the smallest units of human life. 

    Exercise alone will not cause the body to detoxify; however, studies and scientific data show that exercise assists the lungs, kidneys, immune system and intestines in becoming more efficient at naturally detoxifying the body. To get better results many trainers recommend to use natural supplements to get better results. The go to was the recommended web site where you can find an encyclopedia on these things if you wanted.

    There are numerous ways to detox and many recipes you can choose from. I have provided you with some of my go-to’s and a couple new ones I’m excited to try.  There are also varying number of days that you can choose to cleanse (seven days being the maximum). I will be doing a three day cleanse but you can choose what works best for you. Make money and experience a new Slot game with endless bonuses and huge jackpots inspired by Vegas casino.

    Day 1: Fasting. This will be a purely liquid diet for 24 hours. No sodas, no coffee, no sugar, no alcohol. I recommend doing this cleanse on your off workout days.

    Drinks to have- chlorophyll water (my own recipe), fruit/vegetable infused water, chicken bone broth (this one has amazing healing benefits for your gut), herbal teas (dandelion root is a great detox tea and lemon is a natural de-toxin), and diluted cranberry juice.

    Day 2 and 3: Continue with liquid diet drinks as mentioned above but now include raw vegetables and fruits, soup (recipes included), and smoothies (recipes included).


    Chlorophyll Water Recipe (enjoy this any and every day)

    Bag of Spinach, ½ cup water, fresh mint leaves,

    1 cup fresh brewed mint tea and then iced.

    Place spinach, water and mint leaves in blender and blend. Strain liquid through cheese cloth into pitcher. Add 2 cups ice, iced mint tea and fill remaining space in pitcher with water. Mix well and refrigerate.  This is concentrated. When ready to pour a glass. Fill glass 2/3 with ice water and then add the concentrated chlorophyll water to top of glass. Mix and enjoy! Be sure to mix well before pouring as chlorophyll will settle at bottom. For video tutorial go to,

    *Benefits of chlorophyll- helps control cravings and hunger, encourages healing, promotes cleansing by binding to toxins to hamper absorption, protects DNA against fried foods, super potent antioxidant action (protects cells from oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals), effective again Candida albicans (candida albicans can lead to depression, fatigue, digestive problems just to name a few), promotes healthy iron levels and more!

    Lemonade Cleanse

    2 Tbs fresh lemon juice, 2 Tbs pure maple syrup, 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper in 8 ounces water. Mix and enjoy!

    Green Detox Drink (no natural sugar so be prepared for this one)

    This vegetable detox drink is made up primarily of green vegetables, providing an effective natural body cleanse of the digestive system.

    3 carrots,3 kale leaves, 2 celery stalks, 2 beets, 1 turnip, ½ bunch of spinach, ½ cabbage, ½ bunch of parsley, ½ onion, 2 garlic cloves

    Mix all ingredients with water and puree in a blender.

    Fruit Detox Drink-  Because fruit is high in fiber and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it’s a wonderful natural detox for the body. This recipe incorporates fruit, along with flax oil and lecithin, to provide essential fatty acids while you detox. In your blender, combine:

    8 oz. of orange juice, 4 oz. of purified water, ½ cup banana, ½ cup strawberries, ½ cup yogurt, ½-inch slice of ginger, 1 small garlic clove, 1 Tbs. flax oil, 1 Tbs. lecithin granules, 1 Tbs. freshly squeezed lemon juice, if desired, 1 Tbs. of protein powder.

    Cleansing Detox Soup (6 servings) -found on


    • 1/4 cup water (or vegetable broth)
    • 1/2 of a red onion, diced
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 3 celery stalks, diced
    • 3 medium carrots, diced
    • 1 small head of broccoli, florets
    • 1 cup chopped tomatoes
    • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, peeled and minced
    • 1 teaspoon turmeric (I used powdered)
    • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste (optional)
    • fine-grain sea salt and black pepper, to taste
    • 6 cups water (or 4 cups vegetable broth + 2 cups water)
    • 2 cups kale, de-stemmed and torn in pieces
    • 1 cup purple cabbage, chopped
    • juice from 1/2 of a small lemon (or a whole lemon, depending how much lemon flavor you prefer)


    1. In a large pot, add the water and turn on the heat to medium-high. After it’s hot, add the onion and garlic. Sauté for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the celery, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and fresh ginger. Stir and cook for 3 minutes, adding in extra water or broth as needed (another 1/4 cup). Stir in the turmeric, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper plus salt and pepper to taste.
    2. Add in the water or vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until vegetables are soft. Add in the kale, cabbage and lemon juice near the last 2-3 minutes of simmering. Enjoy!


    Skin Loving Green Juice-found on the

    Combine ingredients in blender.

    • curly kale
    • carrot
    • celery
    • cucumber
    • lemon
    • apple
    • turmeric
    • ginger

    Here’s to your health!

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    This entry was posted in Beauty, Recipes, Uncategorized.

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    Author Bio

    I’m Linda Louise, one of the bloggers on this website and Colleen’s little sister. I’m just a girl in her mid-thirties who feels thirteen when I play outside with my boys, fifteen when I sing my heart out listening to tunes while driving by myself, and sixty five when I go out past ten at night. I have a thing for junior mints, Mt. Dew, shrimp and kale (though not all at once) and I have a crush on Superman. I still get girlish butterflies when I read Twilight, cry when I read These is My Words, and smile from ear to ear when I read Anne of Green Gables. I have nightmares about aliens on a regular basis and I have a bad habit of midnight snacking. I love everything sports, except golf (although can that honestly be considered a sport??), and I hate anything that slithers, hisses, or stings. I have a problem with giggling at inappropriate moments and I sometimes wish life was a musical. I love science, hate math, love Dr. Seuss, and hate olives. My family is my world and my joys come from their happiness. I’ve learned I don’t know much about anything and I live for a good adventure, naps, cuddles, stories, exceptional food and The Shire.

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