“I took hold of that scourge -filled ship and crushed it between my limbs, hurtling it into the second sun, the red one that gave me strength. But I was too late." Terraformer
Hello Tiger Fans!
We are planning some really cool things for the RT convention. Check out the cool swag!
First up-BUTTONS!
I’ll be bringing REAWAKENED buttons along with Team Tiger and Ren and Kishan buttons so you can adorn your lanyards appropriately.
Second cool swag item-CHOCOLATE!
My sisters have made these really cool little bag stuffers with a white chocolate tiger and a dark chocolate tiger. They’re so cute and yummy too! These are earmarked for the Spooky Slumber Party at the RT Convention but we will have some for fans to take home from the launch party too. We will also have a limited number of white chocolate mummies in a dark chocolate sarcophagus! These are special prizes that will go to 12 fans who come and find me in Dallas! (See announcement below)
(Note: my sis will add images soon)
The third cool swag item (and this is an awesome one)-CUSTOMIZED PERFUMES!
JinxyThings on Etsy made me these awesome gel scents that match the characters of my books. My plan is to give these out in swag packs to fans at both the Romantic Times Convention in Dallas next month, and during the REAWAKENED tour. The fun part is, you won’t know which scent you get until you open your swag pack surprise. The possibilities include the following:
Tiger Books
Kelsey-Peaches and Cream, Vanilla Bean, Almond
Ren-Sandalwood, Waterfalls, Sunshine
Kishan-Sandalwood, Rain Forest, and Sweet Grass Warmed By The Sun
Anamika/Durga-Night Blooming Jasmine, Lotus, Rose
Yesubai-Wild Flower, White Linen, Indian Summer
Kelsey’s Wedding Bouquet– Roses, Gardenia, Jasmine, Tiger Lily
Egypt Books
Lily-Water Lilies, Vanilla Musk, Cherry Blossom
Amon-Amber, A Hint Of Cashmere, Myrrh, Sunshine
Ahmose-Oak Trees, Moss, Fall Spices
Asten-Cedar, Amber, Spice, Cocoa
In my opinion the best of all of them is Kishan. Just a personal preference
Then there are, of course, bookmarks, cards, stickers, books, and much, much more! If you’re going to the RT Convention in Dallas, which you totally should, check out the website to see where I’ll be every day! The first 12 people who come and find me and give me the secret word which is MUMMY will get an advanced reading copy of REAWAKENED as well as a really cool swag pack!
If you just can’t make it to Dallas next month then stay tuned for lots of fun and giveaways leading right up to the REAWAKENED launch party which will be happening in August! For event information, and to see which cities I will be headed to on tour, check the FAQ tab at the top of my website and click on UPCOMING EVENTS!
This entry was posted in Conferences, Contest, Events, Fans, Reawakened.
New York Times Bestselling author Colleen Houck is a lifelong reader whose literary interests include action, adventure, paranormal, science fiction, and romance. When she's not busy writing, she likes to spend time chatting on the phone with one of her six siblings, watching plays, and shopping online. Colleen has lived in Arizona, Idaho, Utah, California, and North Carolina and is now permanently settled in Salem, Oregon with her husband and a huge assortment of plush tigers.