“I took hold of that scourge -filled ship and crushed it between my limbs, hurtling it into the second sun, the red one that gave me strength. But I was too late." Terraformer
If you didn’t get a chance to read last month’s pick, Vitro by Jessica Khoury it’s not too late to check it out. For those of you who participated in the live chat on Goodreads with authors Jessica and Colleen Houck, thanks! It was so much fun! For the first book of 2015, Colleen has chosen…
by the lovely Amalie Howard
Here’s a little teaser
Nerissa Marin hides among teens in her human form, waiting for the day she can claim her birthright—the undersea kingdom stolen from her the day her father was murdered. Blending in is her best weapon—until her father’s betrayer confronts Nerissa and challenges her to a battle to the death on Nerissa’s upcoming birthday—the day she comes of age.
Amid danger and the heartbreak of her missing mother, falling for a human boy is the last thing Nerissa should do. But Lo Seavon breaches her defenses and somehow becomes the only person she can count on to help her desperate search for her mother, a prisoner of Nerissa’s mortal enemy. Is Lo the linchpin that might win Nerissa back her crown? Or will this mortal boy become the weakness that destroys her?“
Introducing Amalie Howard
Colleen first met Amalie at Romantic Times and has been lucky enough to frequently sit next to her during book signing events as their last name both begins with H. Colleen loves to quiz her on everything India and talk about everything under the sun. She wrote a beautiful article on the art of henna on a previous blog for Colleen. Amalie is super sweet and they always have a great time chatting!
Here’s a little about her,
“Amalie grew up on a small Caribbean island where she spent most of her childhood with her nose buried in a book or being a tomboy running around barefoot, shimmying up mango trees and dreaming of adventure. 22 countries, surfing with sharks and several tattoos later, she has traded in bungee jumping in China for writing the adventures she imagines instead. She isn’t entirely convinced which takes more guts.“
Check out more on her website at www.amaliehoward.com.
I’m very excited to check out her novel and I look forward to discussing it at the end of the month with all of you on Goodreads for the live chat.
So everybody who wants to join us, go get your hands on this book and if you’ve already read it then awesome! You can start leaving your questions right away (but don’t share spoilers just yet).
For fun there will be a GIVEAWAY including the novel Waterfell and more during the live chat! You won’t want to miss this one!
Stay tuned for the next edition of THE MODERN INK SOCIETY featuring guest blogger- Amalie Howard!
Happy reading everyone!
~Till next time,
Linda Louise Lotti
This entry was posted in Colleen Houck Book Club.
I’m Linda Louise, one of the bloggers on this website and Colleen’s little sister. I’m just a girl in her mid-thirties who feels thirteen when I play outside with my boys, fifteen when I sing my heart out listening to tunes while driving by myself, and sixty five when I go out past ten at night. I have a thing for junior mints, Mt. Dew, shrimp and kale (though not all at once) and I have a crush on Superman. I still get girlish butterflies when I read Twilight, cry when I read These is My Words, and smile from ear to ear when I read Anne of Green Gables. I have nightmares about aliens on a regular basis and I have a bad habit of midnight snacking. I love everything sports, except golf (although can that honestly be considered a sport??), and I hate anything that slithers, hisses, or stings. I have a problem with giggling at inappropriate moments and I sometimes wish life was a musical. I love science, hate math, love Dr. Seuss, and hate olives. My family is my world and my joys come from their happiness. I’ve learned I don’t know much about anything and I live for a good adventure, naps, cuddles, stories, exceptional food and The Shire.