“I took hold of that scourge -filled ship and crushed it between my limbs, hurtling it into the second sun, the red one that gave me strength. But I was too late." Terraformer
Tour of Duat
Welcome to the afterlife, or as us Egyptians like to call it Duat.
The first stop on our tour is the burial grounds. Here you will find what ever treasures you were buried with. This could include some very helpful instruction books to guide you in your afterlife, so keep them close. Duat is the place you go after death and is also home to the gods with its turquoise trees and beautiful landscape. It looks very similar to Egypt with its rivers and sand dunes but, it has a lake of fire and huge imposing walls of iron.
Next on our tour are the trials of the afterlife. I hope you kept your book because this is where you will need it. All along this area horrible creatures are lurking; waiting to strike if you get to close. Your book will tell you how to get passed them safely. If you are lucky maybe one of the gods will come to help you overcome the trials. Look over there! That is one of the creatures you will be facing, the Blood-drinker. Good luck!
Our final stop on this trip is the weighing of hearts. Here Anubis, the god of funerals, will take your heart and weigh it against the feather representing Ma’at.
Be careful that your heart is not heavier than Ammit, the Devourer for he just might eat your heart or throw it into the lake of fire! If you are found worthy, you pass this trial and join the gods and become immortal.
Thank you for joining me on this tour of Duat. Stay tuned for the next tour stop across the Nile.
This entry was posted in Mythology, Recreated.
I'm Shara, a wife, mother, bargain shopper, and I love to critique everything from food to mascara. I'm a sister of Colleen who lives in the desert of Arizona. My favorite time of day is when I pretend my kids are asleep upstairs, and I can catch up on my favorite shows with my handsome husband. Once Upon a Time, Dr. Who, Mythbusters (husband's choice), Big Bang Theory, Sherlock, and Castle. I turned 40 but feel around 30ish, and wonder where the time has gone. I love new clothes, new make-up, new food, and anything new to try out and critique. It's not mean, I promise, I just really like to figure out how to make things better :-)